• Last modified 829 days ago (Nov. 3, 2022)


19-year-old Libertarian among Tuesday's candidates

Staff writer

A 19-year-old Hillsboro High School graduate resident majoring in natural resources at Fort Hays State University is running for state legislature as a Libertarian against Stephen Owens.

“I wanted to increase awareness of the Libertarian party,” candidate Henry Hein said. “I think a little more competition would be healthy for us.”

He describes himself as a conservative who is not opposed to legalizing marijuana. He wants to see lower taxes, less government, and more personal responsibility.

The 74th District in which Owens and Hein are running encompasses Burns, Florence, Goessel, Hillsboro, and Peabody.

In the District 2 for county commissioner, Florence resident Tom Britain is running a write-in campaign against David Crofoot.

Britain wants to fight the Sunflower Wind farm.

“I don’t know what can be done now,” he said.

He has been a staunch opponent against the wind farm, participating in lawsuits and a petition against wind farm development. He considers its development “a grand injustice.”

The district includes Gale, Centre, Wilson, Fairplay, and Doyle townships except a portion of north Marion that is part of District 3.

In Burns, seven people are running for three seats on the city council.

Council members Tom Grimwood and Fritzie Hatfield face competition from Robyn Basham, Brea Castleberry, Mark Hacker, Deborah Kellogg, and Carolyn Scofield.

Burns has been embroiled in controversy since June 2021. Contention boils down to four issues — sale of city property to a council member, appointment of a Newton resident to the council, the manner in which meetings are conducted, and the docking of pay for former city employee Robyn Basham.

In June 2021, council members ordered the then-police chief to remove members of the public from a meeting that might have been illegally called. Having the public removed from an ongoing meeting that was not in an executive session may have violated state law.

In May Castleberry’s husband, Billy, got into an altercation with a city employee and was charged with battery.

The Nov. 7 ballot also will include the recreation district question for USD 408, judicial retention votes for judges Ben Sexton and Keith Collett and two constitutional amendment questions on the governor cannot veto attempts by legislators to override administrative rules and whether counties with unified government should have an elected sheriff.

Advance voting will end at noon Monday.

Polling locations are Burns Community Center, John McKay American Legion Post in Florence, Goessel City Building, Hillsboro United Methodist Church, Lincolnville Community Center, Eastmoor United Methodist Church in Marion, Peabody Senior Center, and Tampa Senior Center.

Polls will be open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Identification is required to vote.

Last modified Nov. 3, 2022