• Last modified 358 days ago (Oct. 26, 2023)


2nd deputy
in raid resigns

Staff writer

A second senior deputy sheriff involved in the Aug. 11 raid on the Marion County Record and the homes of its co-owners and Marion’s vice mayor has resigned.

Sergeant Matt Regier, a Marion County deputy since December 2019, will end duties with the sheriff’s office Friday.

Regier has been hired by the Harvey County sheriff’s office. He will be a road patrol deputy. His first day on that job will be Monday.

At one time, Regier was a drug dog handler for Marion County.

Undersheriff Larry Starkey said Regier’s dog retired a couple of years ago.

Harvey County has one drug dog at this time but plans to get another dog next year, Sheriff Chad Gay said. He speculated that Regier might be interested in being a drug dog handler again.

Steve Janzen, formerly assistant chief of the Marion police department who went to work for the sheriff’s office after both he and former police chief Clinton Jeffrey left the Marion police force last December, resigned from the sheriff’s office within days of the raid.

Starkey said the Regier’s departure and that of Deputy Peyton Heidebrecht (see separate story) left the sheriff’s officer with five deputies in addition to the sheriff and undersheriff.

The department is fully staffed when it has nine deputies, he said.

Last modified Oct. 26, 2023