• Last modified 1398 days ago (April 15, 2021)


club notes

Happy Hustlers

Three project talks were given when the Happy Hustlers 4-H Club met April 5.

Rylee Thomas gave a project talk on how to saddle a horse. Eli Groening informed everyone on the different parts of a horse and saddle. Sara Groening’s talk was on how to take care of baby chicks.

Twenty-one members answered the roll call of naming an April Fool’s Joke. Five parents, five leaders and two guests attended the meeting at the Marion County Lake Hall.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Eli Groening, and Colt Smith led the 4-H Pledge.

4-H camp registration will open online at 6 a.m. April 15. The food drive for Doris Winkler will run through the end of April.

Happy birthday to April birthdays and Baby Shark were sung by the group and led by music leader Jaxon Salsbury.

A game of Red Light, Green Light was led by recreation leader Ryker Salsbury. The club’s next meeting will be held May 3.

Tripp Peterson, reporter

Last modified April 15, 2021