• Last modified 512 days ago (May 25, 2023)


Happy Hustlers

“Backwards meeting night” meant Happy Hustlers 4-H club started its May 15 at Marion County Lake Hall by adjourning, which felt really strange!

The evening’s program began with recreation, led by Trent Summervill. The club played a few rounds of Heads Up 7-Up.

William Holland gave a talk about how to can pickles, and Shelby Summervill demonstrated how to make patriotic punch.

Song leader Eli Groening led the club in singing “Happy Birthday” to those with May birthdays.

In new business, the club voted to help place small flags on veterans’ graves at Marion Cemetery for Memorial Day.

Community Leader Amy Summervill reminded families that the Tri-County Free Fair would be July 6 to 8 and Marion County Fair would be July 15 to 22.

Noah Schmidt presented his treasurer’s report, and Rylie Thomas gave a council representative report.

April minutes were read by Shelby Summervill and approved.

Twenty members, four leaders, six parents, and a guest answered roll call by naming a favorite 4-H event. Cecilia Jones led the flag salute, and Katelyn Edmundson and the 4-H pledge

Finally, the meeting was called to order by president Rylee Thomas.

Refreshments were served by the Summervill family.

The group’s next meeting will be 7 p.m. June 5 at the lake hall.

Shelby Summervill

Last modified May 25, 2023