• Last modified 1434 days ago (March 11, 2021)


Wide Awake

Lincolnville Wide Awake 4-H Club distributed 150 “Explain Your Sneeze” face masks to Centre teachers and students as part of a Kansas Beats the Virus project.

“In this project, I learned how to communicate and be a better leader,” club reporter Olivia Carlson said. “It is fun to see the masks being worn around school, and to know that this project was a success.”

The project began at the group’s monthly meeting in December and continued through distribution of the masks Feb. 25 by Emily Casey, Jenaya Plett, and Olivia Carlson.

The blue masks with white lettering, adjustable to fit all ages, were ordered from Western Associates in Marion

A grant from Kansas Leadership Center under the CARES Act helped with cost.

A committee of nine clubs members developed the plan during a Zoom meeting Dec. 21 with Tristen Cope and Jill Martinson.

Members were Jordy and Jymer Raymer, Olivia and Micah Carlson, and Ernest, Eunice, Ethan, Eric, and Eileen Clausing. Leaders Karen Carlson and Bethany Carlson also participated.

Committee members discussed the importance of using hand sanitizer, wearing masks, and social distancing.

After discovering that Centre schools already was providing rapid testing for students, the club decided to provide masks for all student tested in a project they named Rapid Rewards.

— Reporter Olivia Carlson

Last modified March 11, 2021