• Last modified 332 days ago (Feb. 15, 2024)


Feb. 20, 1964

Scottie Gound and his crew wondered Monday morning whether they had a new kind of car buyer waiting at the door of their auto showroom. Pictured on the front page is a bewildered raccoon that had wandered into town and decided Gound’s dealership was the place to stop.

Undersheriff Ezra Bernhardt announced this week that he is a candidate for sheriff on the Republican ticket.

School unification plans for Marion County now call for four unified districts instead of three. Marion will remain principally as it is with the addition of a portion of the Aulne district. Centre will remain just as it is with the inclusion of the present elementary schools in the district. The two other proposed districts in the western and southern parts remain as originally proposed.

Ed Navrat has leased his service station in Marion and the truck stop and cafe in Florence to Phillips Petroleum Co. and his Phillips jobbership to S&S Co. of Emporia. There will be no personnel changes at either station.

The Peter Pan ice cream store at 213 E. Main St. advertises the choice of any half gallon of its creamy, smooth ice cream for 59 cents on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Last modified Feb. 15, 2024