These accident reports were released this past week by law enforcement agencies:
Holly Rd. south of 190th Rd.
Christopher Walker, no age listed, Hillsboro, entered a ditch and overturned at 12:01 a.m. Dec. 12 with a 1993 Ford Explorer owned by Thomas J. Svoboda, Herington. Neither Walker nor his passengers, Dominic Bartel and Andrew Bartel, both of Hillsboro, reported injury. The Ford was towed.
US-50 at Quail Creek Rd.
Donald L. Wilson, 49, Marion, struck the rear of a 2009 GMC Sierra at 4 p.m. Dec. 24. The GMC, owned and driven by Ronald Kirkpatrick, 61, Marion, was stopped and waiting to make a left turn. Wilson’s 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer then hit a guard rail.
290th Rd. east of US-77
Nicholas D. Toupin, 42, Florence, hit deer at 7:54 p.m. Dec. 25 with his 2018 Toyota Corolla. Neither he nor his passenger, Carrie A. Toupin, 45, Florence, reported injury.
Sunflower Rd. north of 180th Rd.
Raymond C. Bina, 71, Marion, hit a deer at 9:35 p.m. Dec. 25 with his 1992 Buick Park Avenue. Neither he nor his passenger, Denice Bina, 64. Marion, reported injury.
290th Rd. east of Yarrow Rd.
Jack R. Branson, 37, Marion, overturned at 7:48 a.m. Dec. 27 in his 2005 Toyota 4Runner. Branson said he was watching a deer that had run out when the Toyota left the road to the right, dropped a tire off a bridge side, and overturned. Branson did not report injury. The Toyota was towed.
K-15 north of 340th Rd.
Omar J. Esteban Hernandez, 34, Lawrence, hit a deer at 7:39 p.m. Dec. 27 with his 2006 Chevy Impala.
400 block of N. Ash St.
Sharon K. George, 67, Lehigh, was slowing down her 1999 Chevrolet Lumina to turn onto a private drive at 2:30 p.m. Dec. 30.
Brittney R. McDonald, 25, Halstead, driving a 2012 Infiniti G, was unable to slow down in time and crashed into the Chevrolet’s rear end.
Last modified Jan. 6, 2021