• Last modified 617 days ago (July 6, 2023)



These accident reports were released this past week by law enforcement agencies:


Nighthawk Rd. south of 110th Rd.

Edward D. Montigny, 31, Hillsboro, hit a deer at 9:20 p.m. May 31 with his 2003 Dodge Caravan, according to an accident report not released until Friday.

The minivan remained drivable despite damage across its front.

190th Rd. west of Old Mill Rd.

A 19-year Wichita woman had a blood-alcohol level nearly twice the legal limit when was she was injured at 12:36 a.m. June 4 as her 2010 Hyundai Sonata crashed through a fence and burned, according to an accident report released Friday.

Zoee M. Stochl was taken to Wesley Medical Center, Wichita, after her car, owned by Michael C. Stochl of the same address, veered into the passenger-side ditch, went through a fence, hit a tree, and burst into flames.

The car, listed as destroyed, was towed. Contrary to her initial claims at the scene, no one appeared to have been riding with her.

Deputy Joshua Meliza’s report blamed the accident on drunken driving, but no tickets were listed as having been issued.

The report states that her blood-alcohol content, which apparently was measured at Wesley, was 0.158. The legal limit is 0.080.

A fence owned by Tim E. Hiebert, rural Marion, was damaged in the accident.

US-56 west of Old Mill Rd.

Dawson P. Worrell, 23, White City, crashed his 2015 Chrysler 300 into a no-passing sign and a reflective marker on the opposite side of the road at 6:45 p.m. June 24 after he fell asleep at the wheel.

The car remained drivable despite damage along the front of its driver’s side.

150th Rd. west of Chisholm Trail Rd.

Stephanie R. Regier, 62, whose rural Marion County address receives mail from the Canton post office, hit a deer at 7:43 p.m. June 27 with her 2017 Chevrolet Equinox, which sustained what was described as disabling damage to its front, left, and hood but was removed without a tow truck.

Haley L. Regier, 23, of the same address was a passenger at the time.

US-50 west of Alfalfa Rd.

Mark R. King, 56, Wichita, hit a deer at 5:49 a.m. June 28 with his 2013 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup, which sustained disabling damage to its right, front, hood, windshield, and undercarriage and was towed.

Goldenrod Rd. at 190th Rd.

Michael E. Mader, 39, Hillsboro, was ticketed for being an unlicensed driver after he lost control his 2016 Honda motorcycle at 5:59 a.m. June 28 and drove it into a ditch in a right-turn lane from Goldenrod onto 190th.

The motorcycle sustained disabling damage, but no tow truck was called.

Buller St. south of Prospect St., Goessel

Benjamin R. Vera Jr., 61, Goessel, backed his 2018 Ford F-150 pickup into a 2019 Ford Edge legally parked across the street at 2 p.m. June 26.

The pickup was not damaged, according to deputy Bruce Burke’s report. The parked sport-utility vehicle, owned by Laura W. Dailey of rural Canton, remained drivable despite damage to its driver’s side door.

The accident was not reported to the sheriff’s department until nearly two days later. No tickets were issued.

Old Mill Rd. south of 60th Rd.

Swerving to miss a deer, Konner R. Griffith, 16, Cassoday, drove a 1995 Lincoln Town Car owned by Benjamin L. Griffith of the same address into a ditch at 12:03 a.m. Friday.

Air bags were deployed, but no injuries were reported. The car remained drivable despite damage to its front and hood.

Last modified July 6, 2023