• Last modified 4299 days ago (June 5, 2013)


Area students receive state FFA degrees

Several Marion County FFA members received a State FFA Degree May 31 at the state convention in Manhattan. The State Degree is the highest honor the Kansas FFA Association can bestow on its members.

Centre recipients were Justin Deines, Kyle Methvin, Chad Mueller, Tom Oborny, Tanner Peterson, Karl Riffel, and Ty Simons.

Hillsboro recipients were Lauren Geis, Bryce A. Roberts, and Nathan L. Unruh.

Marion-Florence recipients were Jacob Cope, Aaron Molleker, and Montana D. Percell.

To achieve this award, the recipient must have received a Chapter FFA Degree, been an FFA member and agricultural education student for at least two years, earned at least $2,000 or worked 600 hours in a supervised agricultural experience, given a six-minute speech about agriculture or FFA, participated in eight leadership activities, received a C average or better in high school, and have a record of outstanding leadership and community involvement.

Last modified June 5, 2013