Baked goods business a family affair
Staff writer
Robyn Schultz of Durham sold cheese for Jason Wiebe Dairy and decided to market her own homemade baking and start her own business.
She and her husband, Terry, first helped the Wiebes market their cheese at Salina’s Farmers Market during the 2018 season.
“It didn’t take very long for me to graduate to baked goods,” she said.
She sells cinnamon rolls, pies, cookies, cupcakes, cakes, breads, and holiday goods.
Schultz said cinnamon rolls and pies usually are her best sellers. She makes pies during the week, freezes them raw, and then bakes them on Friday, the day before the sale.
That’s when she bakes the other items as well.
She said that her business, Home Fresh Baking, really is a family business. Everyone pitches in, especially during the summer.
Her four children — Tara, 12; Trevor, 10; Todd, 7; and Jace, 5 — like to help. They scoop cookie dough, make quick breads, and spray pans. They also package items and load them in the van on Friday evenings. Sometimes, they help at the market as well.
The family moved from Georgia seven years ago after Terry accepted a job at G&R Implement in Durham.
They live just down the road from Cottonwood Grove School, so the children often bike to school. Schultz said she would sell her baked goods in other venues, if requested, such as she did Saturday at Lincolnville.
Orders are welcome.
Her home phone is (620) 732-2102; her cell phone is (706) 361-1461; and her email is
Last modified Oct. 10, 2019