• Last modified 2393 days ago (July 19, 2018)


Board approves hires, fees, pay

Staff writer

Hillsboro School Board met and approved hiring three new elementary teachers last week — Denise Evan in pre-school, Michele Ediger in kindergarten, and Tena Loewen in second grade.

“It’s exciting to be adding elementary classes and shows attendance growth in those age students,” Superintendent Max Heinrichs said.

Other positions approved were elementary school custodian Tanyia Sorenson and middle and high school custodians Carol Lippke, summer painter Allison Maxfield, bus drivers Doug Dick and Connie Gauthier, and high school assistant football coach Gaven Schumann.

Temporary classified employee pay rates were set from $9 to $12.25. Substitute teacher pay rates were set at $90 for full days and $45 for half days.

Mark Rooker and Rod Koons were re-elected as president and vice president.

Meal prices were raised five cents except for adult non-staff meals and extra milk.

Student fees will remain the same with the addition of pre-school tuition of $150 for half-day kindergarten and $375 for all-day, Heinrichs said.

The board met in executive session to discuss personnel issues.

They also accepted summer painter Luke Moore’s resignation.

Heinrichs said the board was working on a contract with Kansas Association of School Boards to have artificial turf installed on their football field.

Games had been played at Tabor College on a field with turf.

Last modified July 19, 2018