• Last modified 1185 days ago (April 28, 2021)


League Results

Monday Night League

Marion Mfg. won 3-1 April 19 over Willy J’s 9th Lane, D&J Liquor won 4-0 over Central National Bank, and Bye won 3-1 over Tampa State Bank.

Team standings W L

Willy J’s 9th Lane 66 38

Tampa State Bank 66 38

D&J Liquor 61½ 42 ½

Marion Mfg. 59 45

Central National Bank 51 ½ 52½

Team highs — Willy J’s 9th Lane 793 scratch game and 1995 scratch series and 835 team handicap, and Marion Mfg. 2426 team handicap series.

Men — Jason Funk, 199 scratch game, 560 scratch series, and 668 handicap series; and Randy Bryant 243 handicap game.

Women — Jayden Hallowell 169 scratch game and 433 scratch series; Heather Schlehuber, 220 handicap game and 612 handicap series.

Last modified April 28, 2021