• Last modified 1086 days ago (Oct. 28, 2021)


to house
youth group

Staff writer

The owner of the historic Bowron building in downtown Marion has decided to let a church’s youth group use space in its lower level.

Todd Malcolm is still hard at work renovating the second story into eventual living quarters.

The building’s downstairs storefront at 230 E. Main now is Aulne Rec Center, or ARC, and will house a youth group led by Lucas and Catie Zurcher.

Bereavement support group, The Merry Widows, started by Sue Peterson, may meet there as well.

“I just want to further the work of the Lord,” Malcolm said. “I don’t make any money. I don’t want any notoriety. I just want it to be used.”

Expedition Wind rented office space in the Bowron’s lower level until summer.

Malcolm fielded a few inquiries, but decided to let his church’s youth group, and possibly others, use the space.

“That is what God’s purpose is for it,” he said.

ARC high school group meets 5 p.m. Sundays. Middle school meetings are 6 p.m. Wednesday

Last modified Oct. 28, 2021