• Last modified 1230 days ago (Oct. 6, 2021)


Boy, 12, shot by 10-year-old

Staff writer

A 12-year-old boy was taken to Wesley Medical Center, Wichita, after he accidentally was shot Sunday evening by a 10-year-old at a farmhouse on 290th Rd. between Chisholm Trail and Diamond Rds.

Sheriff Rob Craft said the boy had shotgun pellets in his arm, chest, and shoulder.

A first responder from Durham gave the boy initial care until ambulances from Tampa and Hillsboro arrived.

Hillsboro ambulance, with Tampa EMTs also on board, took the boy to Hillsboro Community Hospital’s helipad for transfer to a LifeSave helicopter ambulance.

Craft, who declined to release the boys’ names, said the incident is under investigation to verify the entire situation.

Last modified Oct. 6, 2021