Staff writer
Centre girls’ golf goes into its third year with two returning letter winners.
Senior Hannah Peterson has lettered for two years. She did well in many tournaments last year, including winning the Emporia tourney.
Sophomore Maleiqua Spohn lettered her first year. Coach Greg Wyatt said he expects her to improve her game this year.
Avery Williams, a freshman, has shown signs of promise during practice, Wyatt said.
“She needs to work on consistency,” he said, “and I think she will be fine.”
Senior Kaitlin Brunner rounds out the team. Wyatt said she has some natural abilities that she can use to her advantage.
“I think there will be some good things happening this year as long as the improvement continues and they continue to work hard,” he said.
The results from their first meet Tuesday at Emporia were not available at press time.