• Last modified 862 days ago (Sept. 8, 2022)


CENTRE: Just 1 athlete, but coach learns from best

Staff writer

Terri Bina is coaching cross-country at Centre this year. Her only runner is her daughter, Kaitlyn Bina, a sophomore. Cross-country races will be 3.1 miles long.

Terri determined to learn as much about running cross-country as she could. She has a cousin who ran for the University of Kansas and is married to a man who also ran for KU. He is cross-country coach at Baldwin City.

They taught her various stretches and workout techniques for becoming a successful distance runner.

“There’s a lot to learn,” she said.

As a freshman, Katy ran long distance in track. She continues to learn how to stride, make good arm movement, and do proper breathing.

“I have developed five different routes for her to practice on,” her coach/mother said.

Katy runs six miles a day three days a week. Some days, she runs on hills and works on speed.

Her first meet was Thursday at Abilene. She finished 12th, with a time of 24.18 minutes.

“She was hoping to do better than that, but she did very well for her first meet,” Terri said.

Last modified Sept. 8, 2022