• Last modified 1884 days ago (Dec. 12, 2019)


Charges not yet filed in shooting incident

Staff writer

No charges are yet filed against an Expedition Wind Farm opponent arrested last week after allegedly firing a handgun at the ground while yelling at surveyors staking property in preparation for construction of a wind farm in Marion County.

Amy D. Stutzman, 46, Peabody, was jailed Thursday on suspicion of three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and bonded out on $50,000 surety bond six and a half hours later.

County attorney Joel Ensey was sent the incident report Tuesday, but his staff said he has not had time to review it.

The day after her release, Stutzman reported criminal threat and damage to the outer wall of her residence that she said took place the day of her arrest. The value of the damage was estimated at $1.

Undersheriff Dave Huntley said Stutzman approached surveyors for Westwood Professional Services while yelling and shooting at the ground in their direction. When she got about 50 feet away, the surveyors left, Huntley said.

Surveyors were on the right of way at 110th and Pawnee Rds. adjacent to Stutzman’s property when the incident took place.

Expedition Wind expects crews to resume surveying this week. Westwood recalled the surveyors Stutzman allegedly shot toward, but have not withdrawn from the work.

Patrick Pelstring, CEO for wind farm developer National Renewable Solutions, said the company hopes the episode is an isolated incident.

“The safety of the Expedition team, agents, and crews, and the safety of the general public are always our top priorities,” Pelstring said.

Stutzman has passionately objected to development of a wind farm in the southern portion of the county and is a plaintiff in three lawsuits filed against Expedition Wind, county commissioners, and planning and zoning commissioners.

Last modified Dec. 12, 2019