• Last modified 2879 days ago (April 6, 2017)


City library helps out by accepting food for fines

Staff writer

Those with fines who love helping others will love Hillsboro Public Library’s “Food 4 Fines” program, which allows patrons to pay off up to $20 in fines by bringing in food items to be donated to the local food bank.

“We’ve had some people who’ve said they like paying their fines this way,” library director Jeanie Bartel said.

Bartel got the idea for “Food 4 Fines” from other area libraries.

“I know that there are some patrons who stopped coming into the library because they have fines, and then there are some that use the library a lot but then have a $1 or $2 fine,” Bartel said. “It’s a way to help relieve that and also help the food bank.”

One food item is good for $2 in fines.

Bartel said they have a specific list of foods, including peanut butter, hamburger or tuna macaroni boxes, canned chicken, canned fruit, spaghetti sauce, enchilada sauce, dry milk, and pudding.

The program, that started March 22, will continue through Friday to allow more time for people to pay their fines.

“I saw some people who said they just saw that, so I thought I should extend this,” Bartel said. “We’ll continue it to see if maybe we get more food.”

Last modified April 6, 2017