This information was filed last week in civil division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records.
Holly Starr Ward was ordered to pay $10,329.66 plus interest to Meritrust Credit Union for an unpaid loan Oct. 3.
La Donna D. West was ordered to pay $841.01 plus interest and costs to Newton Healthcare Corp. Oct. 3 for unpaid medical bills.
A lawsuit earlier filed against Thomas Anthony Hill by Hospital District #1 of Marion County was dismissed Oct. 3.
Carrie A. Smith was ordered to pay Capital One Bank $2,355.41 for an unpaid credit card bill Oct. 19.
Ranita L. Brown was ordered to pay Newton Healthcare Corp. $1,176 for an unpaid medical bill Oct. 17.
John R. Branson was ordered to pay Newton Healthcare Corp. $849.54 plus interest for an unpaid medical bill Oct. 17.
Marc Allen Knowles was ordered to pay Funk Electric $1,203.17 plus costs for an unpaid bill Oct. 17.
A lawsuit earlier filed against Brenda Scott Phillips by Central National Bank was dismissed Oct. 9.