• Last modified 753 days ago (Jan. 18, 2023)



This information was filed last week in civil division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records.

Jeremy and Tiffany Bialek were ordered Dec. 28 to pay Hospital District No. 1 $6,324.42 plus costs and interest for unpaid medical bills.

Victor Buckner was garnished Dec. 2 for $1,398.56 still owed from a 2016 court judgment.

Amanda Lynn David was ordered Jan. 10 to pay DriveNow $5,991.42 plus costs and interest for an unpaid loan.

Rakesh Davis was ordered Jan. 4 to pay Marion County EMS $1,571.50 for unpaid medical bills.

Natalie Geren was ordered Jan. 4 to pay Marion County EMS $1,073.60 for unpaid medical bills.

Christy D. Hayes was ordered Dec. 20 to pay Newton Healthcare Corp. $2,246.31 plus costs and interest for unpaid medical bills.

Tiffany R. Mayson was ordered Jan. 4 to pay Marion County EMS $1,421.50 for unpaid medical bills.

Stephanie and Brandon W. Moore were ordered Dec. 20 to pay Newton Healthcare Corp. $1,000.51 plus costs and interest for unpaid medical bills.

Andrew Morrison was ordered Jan. 4 to pay Marion County EMS $1,552 for unpaid medical bills.

Jorge Orozco was ordered Dec. 7 to pay LVNV Funding $1,366.71 plus costs and interest for unpaid credit card bills.

Lilia V. and Jorge Orozco were ordered Dec. 7 to pay Citizens State Bank $500 plus costs and interest for an unpaid loan.

Travis Pohlman was ordered Dec. 28 to pay Co-Ag Propane $1,650.31 plus costs and interest for unpaid invoices.

David R. Roberts was ordered Jan. 4 to pay Marion County EMS $2,011.60 for unpaid medical bills.

Daniele B. Soyez was garnished Jan. 5 for $19,503.65 to be sent to PayDay Motors, Inc. for an unpaid loan.

Bret Stultz was ordered Jan. 4 to pay Marion County EMS $1,258 for unpaid medical bills.

Last modified Jan. 18, 2023