• Last modified 1022 days ago (April 22, 2022)


Club meets for 1st time since pandemic

After a several-month hiatus because of COVID-19, Marion’s 20th Century Club met April 4 at That One Place. Hostesses were Margaret Pickering and Kathy Henderson. Twelve active and two honorary members were present.

Guest Pam Byer shared information about the community garden. Last year’s harvest included 8,035 pounds of produce donated to Marion County Food Bank.

Art in the Park history and statistics compiled by Margo Yates were presented. A garden limerick game with seed packets offered prizes was led by Carol Yale.

Officers elected for 2022-’23 include Becky Summerville, president; Belinda Skiles, vice president; Jami Mayfield, treasurer; and Carol Laue, recording / corresponding secretary.

The next meeting will be a salad potluck at 6:30 p.m. May 2 at Marion Presbyterian Church fellowship hall. Members are being encouraged to bring a guest.

Last modified April 22, 2022