• Last modified 2527 days ago (March 8, 2018)


Council members meet interim administrator

Staff writer

Hillsboro city council members got their first look at interim city administrator Don Osenbaugh at Tuesday’s meeting.

After mayor Lou Thurston introduced him, Osenbaugh explained what his approach will be while filling administrator Larry Paine’s chair as Paine recovers from medical issues.

“I think Lou probably told you pretty much what I’d want to say,” Osenbaugh said. “I’ve been around cities for a long while, including a stint as city manager of a small town.”

Osenbaugh said he’s a close friend of Larry Paine and he is honored to fill in during his absence, which Osenbaugh hopes will be a short time.

The projects Osenbaugh will oversee during his interim are not at a stage to require a lot of his time, he said. Osenbaugh, of Derby, was hired for 15 hours per week, with one day spent in Hillsboro and the rest of his time working from Derby.

In other matters, council members:

  • Approved street supervisor Dale Dallke to bid up to $6,000 on a tack oil trailer from an online auction site.
  • Agreed to close a block of N. Main St. April 17 for the Chamber of Commerce block party.
  • Approved payment of $72,925.88 to Hett Construction for pavement on B St.
  • Approved a change order for Nowak Construction on water line work.

Last modified March 8, 2018