• Last modified 1297 days ago (Jan. 6, 2021)


County extends workers’ COVID leave

Staff writer

Although a federal order that employers provide emergency COVID sick leave and family leave expired Thursday, county commissioners voted that day to extend the benefit through the end of March for all county employees.

Commissioners also spent their final meeting of the year transferring funds from one budget category to another.

Road and bridge funds were moved to special equipment; $40,892 was moved from the general fund to risk management; $5,000 was moved from the noxious weed fund to noxious weed general outlay; $497,660 was reclassified from road and bridge sales tax to capital improvement; $93,542 was transferred from road and bridge sales tax to capital improvement; $327,397 was transferred from general fund to capital improvement; $25,489 in expenses from the election fund were reclassified to risk management and the general fund; $195,000 was reclassified from the transfer station project fund to the transfer station budget and general fund; and E911 expenses were transferred to the jail sales tax fund.

Last modified Jan. 6, 2021