• Last modified 336 days ago (March 7, 2024)


County pledges more money for more broadband

Staff writer

Two weeks after county commissioners pledged money and support to a broadband Internet project for the Burns area, they pledged money and support to a broadband project TCW plans to undertake for portions of the county west and east of Hillsboro.

After hearing a presentation by TCT public relations director Angela Schwerdfeger, commissioners voted Monday to give $100 per residence in the area where TCW intends to install cable.

Commissioners also toured a former beauty salon being converted to county offices.

The county bought the former Silk Salon building north of US-56 in June with the idea of renovating it into a new health department.

After learning it would cost $693,700 to renovate it for the health department, they planned instead to renovate the 46-by-64½-foot building into offices for the road and bridge, emergency management, and planning and zoning departments at a cost of $239,807.

The building is expected to be finished and ready to occupy within two weeks. Still to be done is installation of a fire escape door that opens outward. The door now opens inward.

Commissioners also voted Monday to lease a Hillsboro building owned by commissioner Jonah Gehring for $1,500 a month.

The building, formerly home of The Lumberyard, will be used for storage of emergency management department items. Gehring recused himself from voting on the deal.

Last modified March 7, 2024