• Last modified 1051 days ago (April 28, 2022)


County sues over truck wreck

Staff writer

An insurance company squabble over which company should pay for a July 6 wreck involving a county road and bridge truck and a flatbed truck owned by Star Lumber & Supply will have to be decided in court.

The wreck happened at 160th and Pawnee Rd. when Star Lumber’s truck, driven by Bel Aire resident Jonathan Hyslop, entered the intersection headed eastbound and was struck on the rear axles by a northbound county-owned dump truck driven by Glenn George.

Both trucks tipped over and landed in the ditch.

Both drivers were wearing seat belts. George was taken to St. Luke Hospital for treatment of minor injuries. Hyslop did not report injury.

No citations were issued, although Undersheriff Larry Starkey wrote in his report that the flatbed truck had failed to yield.

According to a petition filed by the county, George had the right of way even though his truck struck the rear of the other one because he was to the right of Hyslop when the trucks approached the unguarded and unpaved intersection.

“Hyslop’s failure to yield caused the motor vehicle collision,” the petition says.

The county seeks $51,926.88 for damages, plus fees and costs.

Last modified April 28, 2022