• Last modified 438 days ago (Nov. 30, 2023)


Court website to slowly return to normal

Seven weeks after a foreign cyber attacker wreaked havoc on a statewide court information system, the Supreme Court announced Tuesday that it expects to restore parts of its electronic information system before the end of the year.

Electronic operation of district court systems will come first, and operation of appellate court systems will come second, the Supreme Court said.

Systems used to process cases and receive electronically filed documents are tentatively expected to be operational before the end of December.

The timeline, though, is subject to change.

“While we believe our estimate is realistic, we must be prepared for fluctuations as we move forward with our plan,” said Chief Justice Marla Luckert.

The state eCourt case management system, used by district courts in 104 counties, centralizes case data and provides a register of actions in each case.

It will be reintroduced in phases and is expected to be in use everywhere except Johnson county by the end of the year.line, will come back online third.

Last modified Nov. 30, 2023