• Last modified 3376 days ago (Oct. 22, 2015)


division cases

This information was the most current on file in criminal division of district court as of Friday. Information often is not available until more than a week after hearings because journal entries must be checked by attorneys before they are filed. Fines include court costs.

Gerry A. Dowelson, 118 E. Ave A No. 306, Hutchinson, charges of domestic battery and battery dismissed without prejudice Sept. 21.

Edgar Gilberto Gonzalez Jr., 624 Woodland St., Emporia, pleaded not guilty Oct. 14 to possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving while license suspended, and speeding (80 in a 65 mph zone.) Pretrial conference was scheduled for Oct. 14.

Kendall D. Hein, 624 Marion St., Florence, found guilty of disorderly conduct Sept. 15. Sentenced to 6 months unsupervised probation, $203. Also found guilty of possession of marijuana Sept. 15. Disposition for possession of marijuana is 12 months supervised probation.

Lena M. Robinson, 211 N. Spruce St., Peabody, found guilty Sept. 28 of issuing a misdemeanor insufficient funds check. Sentenced to 12 months unsupervised probation, must meet with court officer to set up payment plan, ordered to not obtain or maintain a checking account, $330.44. Clerk court, upon receipt of restitution and fees owed, to distribute restitution as follows: $117.44 to Peabody Market, $10 to Marion County Attorney bad check fund, $158 to Clerk District Court court costs, $45 to booking fees. To be turned over to court trustees office for collection if not paid off during unsupervised probation.

Tyrone M. Vondal, no address provided, Marion, pleaded not guilty Sept. 28 to charges of battery and disorderly conduct, pretrial conference scheduled for Nov. 23.

Last modified Oct. 22, 2015