This information was filed last week in criminal division of district court. All fines include court costs. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records.
Tonny Delvecchio was formally charged Jan. 27 with violation of a protection from stalking order.
Christopher R. Wilson was formally charged Jan. 28 with criminal trespass.
Eddie A. Eaves was formally charged Jan. 28 with violation of a protection order.
Ian Anders Weisbeck was formally charged Jan. 31 with domestic battery and disorderly conduct.
Robert Welsh was sentenced Nov. 20 to six months probation for driving while license canceled or revoked and ordered to pay $108 court costs, $100 attorney fee, and a fine of $200.
Conan Glickman was sentenced Jan. 16 to six months’ probation for writing a bad check and ordered to pay $158 courts costs, $45 booking fee, $101.95 restitution.
Last modified Feb. 5, 2020