• Last modified 1431 days ago (March 18, 2021)



This information was filed last week in criminal division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records.

Michelle Lynn Canfield formally was charged March 15 with fleeing law enforcement, interference with law enforcement, driving without a valid license, reckless driving, circumvention of an ignition interlock device, speeding, failure to obey a traffic signal, and improper movements and signal.

Dakota L. Easterberg was sentenced March 1 to a year’s probation for possession of methamphetamine and ordered to pay $658.

Mary L. Friesen pleaded guilty Feb. 17 to driving under the influence. Sentencing is scheduled for April. Charges of failing to stop at a stop sign and failing to maintain a single lane were dismissed.

Robin J. Hayes was sentenced March 1 to a year’s probation for writing bad checks and ordered to pay $2,156.94, of which $1,593 is restitution to Peabody Market, Carlsons’, Ampride, Lanning Pharmacy, and the Marion County Attorney.

Kara Holt formally was charged March 9 with possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia.

Justice Leon Roy Johnson formally was charged March 9 with burglary and criminal damage to property.

Andrew D. Kelley pleaded no contest Feb. 16 to violation of the offender registration act. Sentencing is scheduled for April. On the same day, charges of possession of methamphetamine and possession of methamphetamine without a drug stamp, filed in a separate case, were dismissed.

Luis C. Perez was sentenced March 1 to two years’ probation for burglary and attempted theft. He was ordered to serve 14 days in jail and pay $958.

Jerry Herman Shulka was sentenced Feb. 16 to 18 months’ probation and ordered to pay $1,158 for possession of methamphetamine.

Jessica M. Smith was sentenced March 1 to a year’s probation and ordered to pay $658 for possession of methamphetamine.

Last modified March 18, 2021