• Last modified 1128 days ago (Feb. 9, 2022)



This information was filed last week in criminal division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records.

Malekye Dancy formally was charged Feb. 4 with possession of marijuana.

Matthew Fay formally was charged Feb. 7 with battery.

Jason A. Felts formally was charged Feb. 3 with driving under the influence of drugs and possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

Cedric D. Irvin Jr formally was charged Feb. 3 with possession of marijuana and no proof of insurance.

Katrina Kea formally was charged Feb. 3 with cruelty to animals.

Clayton T. Lingenfelter formally was charged Feb. 7 with possession of stolen property and criminal possession of a weapon.

James Mann formally was charged Feb. 3 with criminal possession of a firearm, possession of drug paraphernalia and marijuana, and circumvention of an ignition interlock device.

Deontae J. Moore formally was charged Feb. 7 with possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, driving while her license was suspended, and speeding.

A bench warrant was issued Jan. 19 for Erika Negrete-Lara after she failed to appear in court for arraignment.

Demetrius D. Pace formally was charged Feb. 4 with possession of marijuana.

Thomas Paquette formally was charged Feb. 3 with cruelty to animals.

Shane R. Ringle formally was charged Feb. 7 with theft.

Rexana J. Siebert pleaded no contest Jan. 28 to three counts of battery against a law enforcement officer and agreed to be compliant with mental health services and medication throughout her anticipated probation and pay $439.92 restitution. As part of the agreement, eight additional criminal cases earlier filed against her were dismissed. Dismissed charges include three counts of disorderly conduct, three counts of interference with law enforcement, three counts of giving a worthless check, three counts of criminal trespass, and one count each of domestic battery, battery, and residential burglary. Sentencing is scheduled for May 16.

Helen Smith formally was charged Feb. 3 with making a criminal threat, domestic battery, criminal damage to property, and assault.

Leon N. Srisamutr entered a one-year diversion agreement Jan. 25 on charges of driving under the influences, driving left of center, and transporting liquor in an open container. He will pay $1,303.

Jenna L. Terrell formally was charged Feb. 3 with criminal littering.

Last modified Feb. 9, 2022