This information was filed last week in criminal division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records or from jail booking records.
David L. Bean, 52, Newton, formally was charged Aug. 16 with distribution of methamphetamine, and possession of methamphetamine, a controlled substance without a drug tax stamp, THC, and drug paraphernalia.
A bench warrant was issued July 22 for Katlyn M. Cayou after she failed to appear in court.
Jason A. Felts, 43, Commerce City, Colorado, was sentenced July 25 to a year’s probation for driving under the influence.
Janet Geren, 62, Marion, was ordered June 27 to serve two days in jail for violating conditions of her probation.
Kevin Geren, 60, Marion, formally was charged Aug. 16 with possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia, having no proof of insurance, driving without a valid driver’s license, and not having working stop lamps and turn signals.
Jackie W. McHolland, 50, Moundridge, formally was charged Aug. 16 with interference with law enforcement and possession of methamphetamine, THC, and drug paraphernalia, and having no proof of insurance.
Zachary T. Nickel, 20, Marion, was ordered Aug. 10 to serve 30 days in jail for violating his probation for attempted aggravated indecent liberties with a child and for two convictions of theft.
Bernadette M. Paris, 45, Moundridge, formally was charged Aug. 16 with possession of methamphetamine, THC, and drug paraphernalia.
Leslie O. Riggs, 29, Marion, formally was charged Aug. 18 with driving under the influence, possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, and improper driving movements and signals.
Michelle L. Stevens, 35, Peabody, formally was charged Aug. 16 with possession of methamphetamine, THC, marijuana, and drug paraphernalia.
Josiah P. Tzolov, 18, New River, Arizona, formally was charged Aug. 16 with fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer; destroying, altering, or removing a vehicle identification number; driving while his license was canceled, suspended or revoked, and speeding.
Willie J. Young, 60, Wichita, was sentenced July 25 to a year’s probation for possession of methamphetamine.
Last modified Aug. 25, 2022