The following deeds were reported as recorded by the office of Marion County register of deeds:
Betty J. Scriven, by power of attorney, to David A. Weseloh, warranty deed; W/2 Lot 2, Aves Addition, Florence.
Martha A. Krause to Michael G. Phillips and wife, warranty deed; Lot 4 except N. 342.50 feet, Block 5, County Clerk’s Sixth Hillsboro Plat, Hillsboro.
Sadie Bernhardt, by power of attorney, et al to Michael D. Ayers and wife, warranty deed; N/2 Lot 4 and S/2 Lot 5, Block 4, Billings & Bowers Addition, Marion.
The Carroll Smalley Revocable Trust to Michael Eugene Smalley and wife, trustee’s deed; part of SW/4, 10-20-4 (Lot 3, Lake View, adjacent to Marion County Park & Lake).
Brice D. Foth to Travis T. Foth, warranty deed; part of Lots 4, 5, and 6, Block 12, Re-Plat of North Peabody, Peabody.
Ray Hiebert and wife to David Hakes and wife, warranty deed; S/2 N/2 SW/4, 3-20-1 and S/2 SW/4, 3-20-1 except a portion.
Central National Bank to Cerebral Expansion, LLC, warranty deed; E. 90 feet of Lots 7 and 8, Block 3, Riesen’s Addition, Hillsboro.
Central National Bank to Frederick A. Bichet et al, trustees, warranty deed; West 85 feet of SE/4, 22-20-5.
Frederick A. Bichet et al, trustees to Central National Bank, warranty deed; part of NE/4, 27-20-5.
Foye E. Lovelady and Linda C. Lovelady Joint Living Trust to Janie V. Fritzler, trustee’s deed; Lot 20, Wildin’s Addition, Marion County Park & Lake.
The Marion G. Jantz and Evelyn M. Jantz Trust to David Randall Hakes and wife, trustee’s deed; E/2 SW/4 SE/4, 3-20-1.
The Marion G. Jantz and Evelyn M. Jantz Trust to David Randall Hakes and wife, trustee’s deed; W/2 SW/4 SE/4 and part of S/2 SW/4, 3-20-1.
John H. Voth and wife to City of Goessel, quit-claim deed; Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, Voth Second Addition, Hillsboro.
John H. Voth and wife to City of Goessel, Lots 4 and 5, Voth Second Addition, Goessel.