This information was filed last week in domestic division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records.
Cody J. Larson-Yates was ordered July 10 to pay Department for Children and Families $491 a month child support for two children.
Brady L. Blazek was ordered July 10 to pay Department for Children and Families $30 a month child support for one child.
Kayci Mary Jean Stevenson was ordered July 10 to pay Department for Children and Families $30 a month child support for one child.
Bryan L. Kimzey was ordered July 10 to pay Department for Children and Families $217 a month child support for one child.
Kirk William Seals was ordered July 10 to pay Department for Children and Families $25 per month child support for one child.
Last modified Aug. 21, 2019