• Last modified 1456 days ago (Feb. 11, 2021)



Broadcasts about these fire and ambulance calls were monitored this past week by the newspaper:

FEB. 2

3:22 a.m. — A 98-year-old Parkside Homes resident with a nosebleed was taken to Hillsboro Community Hospital by Hillsboro ambulance.

1:15 p.m. — An 89-year-old woman who fell at Homestead Senior Residences, Marion, declined to be taken to a hospital by Marion ambulance.

1:24 p.m. — An 86-year-old woman with high blood sugar was taken by Hillsboro ambulance to HCH from the 100 block of N. Adams St., Hillsboro.

9:15 p.m. — A 75-year-old man who fell in the 500 block of N. Cedar St., Marion, was taken to St. Luke Hospital by Marion ambulance.

FEB. 3

11:14 a.m. — A St. Luke patient was transferred to a critical care unit at McPherson Hospital by Marion ambulance.

1:44 p.m. — Trees on fire near 120th and Chisholm Trail Rds. were quickly extinguished by Goessel firefighters.

5:45 p.m. — A St. Luke patient was transferred to Newton Medical Center by Marion ambulance. Marion firefighters helped lift the patient.


7:24 a.m. — An amputee in pain in the 200 block of W. B St. was checked by Hillsboro ambulance attendants but declined to be taken to a hospital even after Hillsboro firefighters were called to help lift the patient.

9:06 a.m. — A 69-year-old woman who was dizzy and having trouble breathing was taken by Peabody ambulance to Newton Med from the 800 block of N. Poplar St., Peabody.

10:32 a.m. — A 103-year-old man with stroke-like symptoms at Marion Assisted Living was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance.

8:49 p.m. — A 46-year-old woman who was short of breath and suspected of having COVID-19 was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance from the 200 block of W. 6th St., Florence. Florence first responders were paged but did not respond.


9:29 a.m. — A 58-year-old woman with a fever and suspected of having COVID-19 was taken by Marion ambulance to St. Luke from the 300 block of S. Cedar St., Marion.

10:52 a.m. — A 91-year-old woman was transferred from HCH to Newton Med by Hillsboro ambulance.

12:32 p.m. — A 71-year-old man with symptoms of a transient ischemic attack was taken by Hillsboro ambulance to Via Christi – St. Francis Hospital, Wichita, from the 200 block of E. F St., Hillsboro.

4:58 p.m. — An orthopedic patient at St. Luke was transferred to Newton Med by Marion ambulance.

6:07 p.m. — A do-not-resuscitate order, presented upon the ambulance’s arrival, did not allow Peabody ambulance to treat or transport a confused and lethargic 60-year-old woman who was slipping in and out of consciousness at Peabody Health and Rehab.

7:21 p.m. — A St. Luke patient was transferred to St. Francis by Marion ambulance.


8:49 a.m. — A 69-year-old woman who fell three times at Peabody Health and Rehab was taken to St. Luke by Peabody ambulance. Marion ambulance also was called but was told to turn back.

5:33 p.m. — A deputy who arrived first canceled a call to Hillsboro and Peabody ambulances and Peabody rescue squad and firefighters for what initially had been reported as a one-vehicle rollover with entrapment at 90th and Indigo Rds.

7:03 p.m. — A lethargic 90-year-old woman with difficulty breathing at Parkside Homes was taken to HCH by Hillsboro ambulance.


9:43 a.m. — A report of smoke from an electrical box at a residence in the 100 block of S. Buller St. was investigated by Goessel firefighters, who turned off the electricity and notified an electrician. Hillsboro and Peabody firefighters and Hillsboro ambulance, initially dispatched to the call, were told to stand down.

12:58 p.m. — A 65-year-old who fell in the 300 block of N. Cedar St., Marion, was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance. Marion firefighters helped lift the patient.

6:56 p.m. — A 75-year-old man with stroke-like symptoms was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance from a farmhouse near 110th and Sunflower Rds.

9:59 p.m. — A St. Luke patient was transferred to a Topeka hospital by Marion ambulance.


5:11 a.m. — A 51-year-old man who was having chest pains and difficulty swallowing cardiac medication was taken from a farmhouse near 130th and Eagle Rds. to Newton Med by Hillsboro ambulance. Peabody ambulance also responded. First responders from Goessel were paged but did not respond.

9:06 a.m. — A 92-year-old woman who fell and hit her head at Bethesda Home in Goessel was taken to Newton Med by Hillsboro ambulance. First responders from Goessel were paged but did not respond.

2:13 p.m. — A false alarm triggered by cleaning of a kitchen grill at St. Luke Hospital briefly sent Marion firefighters to the hospital.

3:18 p.m. — A 51-year-old woman who was having trouble breathing in the 300 block of N. Cedar St., Marion, was taken to St. Luke by Marion ambulance.

6:45 p.m. — A false alarm at Loewen Natural Science Center on the Tabor College campus was reset by Hillsboro firefighters after the building was surveyed with an infrared camera, which found no signs of latent hot spots.

Last modified Feb. 11, 2021