• Last modified 434 days ago (Jan. 4, 2024)



Broadcasts about these fire and ambulance calls were monitored this past week by the newspaper:

DEC. 26

6:18 a.m. — A 73-year-old woman unable to get up from a toilet at a home in the 200 block of S. Madison St. in Hillsboro was taken to Hillsboro Community Hospital by Hillsboro ambulance. Marion ambulance also responded but was told to stand down before it arrived.

10:08 a.m. — What appears to have been the same patient from the previous call, now diagnosed with sepsis, was transferred by Hillsboro ambulance to NMC Health, formerly Newton Medical Center. The ambulance returned to Hillsboro at 12:08 p.m.

10:39 a.m. — Marion ambulance attendants checked out five reportedly uninjured people involved in a traffic accident at US-50 and Nighthawk Rd. None were taken to a hospital. Peabody ambulance, firefighters, and rescue squad members initially were dispatched as well.

4:10 p.m. — A small yard fire in the 200 block of S. Olive St. in Peabody was extinguished within 11 minutes by Peabody firefighters.

DEC. 27

8:43 a.m. — A critically injured driver was freed by Marion rescue squad members and Ramona firefighters from wreckage of a two-vehicle accident at 330th and Pawnee Rds. and taken by Marion ambulance to Wesley Medical Center, Wichita. Tampa ambulance also was dispatched.

10:55 a.m. — A resident of Oakwood Manor apartments in Hillsboro was found dead by a Hillsboro police officer checking on the resident’s welfare. Hillsboro ambulance was called to confirm the death.

3:47 p.m. — A 70-year-old man having trouble breathing at Parkside Homes in Hillsboro was transferred to HCH by Hillsboro ambulance. Marion ambulance also responded but was told to stand down before it arrived.

6:31 p.m. — A diabetic 89-year-old woman with labored breathing in the 400 block of S. Roosevelt St. in Marion was taken to NMC Health by Marion ambulance.

7:24 p.m. — A semi-trailer loaded with burning trash at Marion County Transfer Station was moved outside the building and the fire extinguished by Marion firefighters, some of whom were delayed in responding by a passing Union Pacific train blocking crossings east of the transfer station. City bucket trucks provided elevated platforms for reaching fire within the trailer, and water was obtained from a tanker as well as hydrants in the area. Hillsboro and Florence firefighters initially were called as well but were told to stand down before they arrived. At least one firefighter was checked by Marion ambulance attendants returning from Newton. Firefighters remained at the transfer station, sifting through burning trash, until 9:03 p.m.

8:22 p.m. — A 77-year-old woman who fell and hurt her shoulder at a residence in the 700 block of W. A St. in Hillsboro was taken to HCH by Hillsboro ambulance.


2:39 p.m. — A 73-year-old man with renal failure was transferred by Hillsboro ambulance from HCH to Wesley. The ambulance returned to Hillsboro at 5:08 p.m.


11:02 a.m. — A smoke alarm at Alexanderwohl Church was determined by Goessel firefighters to have been a false alarm.

5:10 p.m. — A 64–year-old man who suffered a seizure, fell, and hit his head at Gambino’s in Marion was taken to St. Luke Hospital, Marion, by Marion ambulance.

8:34 p.m. — A 63-year-old male trauma patient was transferred by Hillsboro ambulance from St. Luke to Wesley. The call initially went to Marion ambulance, but Hillsboro attendants said they would take the call instead. The ambulance returned to Hillsboro at 11:14 p.m.

10 p.m. — An 84-year-old man who fell at a residence in the 300 block of Grant St. in Marion was helped up by Marion ambulance attendants but declined to be taken to a hospital.


3:03 p.m. — A 75-year-old man with breathing problems at a residence in the 500 block of Lawrence Ave. in Durham was taken to HCH by Hillsboro ambulance. Tampa ambulance also was called but was told to stand down before it arrived. Durham first responders were not available.

5:08 p.m. — A motorist trapped in wreckage of a two-vehicle rollover accident at 10th and Mustang Rds. was freed by Peabody rescue squad members and firefighters and was taken to Ascension Via Christi St. Francis Hospital, Wichita, by Hillsboro ambulance. The ambulance returned to Hillsboro at 7:45 p.m.


1:16 a.m. — A 27–year-old man vomiting blood at a residence in the 200 block of N. State St. in Goessel declined to be taken to a hospital by Hillsboro ambulance. Goessel first responders were paged but did not answer.

6:12 a.m. — Marion ambulance attendants helped lift an 89-year-old woman who fell and possibly broke her hip at St. Luke Living Center.

9:53 a.m. — What appears to have been the same patient from the previous call was transferred by Marion ambulance from St. Luke to NMC Health. The ambulance returned to Marion at 12:05 p.m.

5:16 p.m. — A 79-year-old man with chest pains and a history of heart attack at a farmhouse near 130th and Goldenrod Rds. was taken to HCH by Hillsboro ambulance.


4:58 a.m. — A 90-year-old woman who fell at Marion Assisted Living declined to be taken to a hospital by Marion ambulance.

12:57 p.m. — A 56-year-old woman with sepsis was transferred by Marion ambulance from St. Luke to Wesley. The ambulance returned to Marion at 4:19 p.m.

8:04 p.m. — Hillsboro firefighters opened windows and reset fire alarms after smoke from an oven set them off at Tabor College townhouses.

Last modified Jan. 4, 2024