• Last modified 1028 days ago (May 18, 2022)


FFA members receive awards

Centre FFA members received chapter awards at a banquet May 10.

Members with supervised agricultural experiences received proficiency awards in their areas of work:


Daniel Moenning won the ag mechanics repair and maintenance entrepreneurship award. He and his brother own a business. They work on small engines and flip go-carts.

Dwayne Moenning won the placement award in the same category. He works for Hajek Enterprises, where, among other things, he maintains lawn mowers.

Santiago Knepp won the beef production entrepreneurship award. He has two head of cattle that he exhibits at shows. One is a market heifer he raised that he plans to sell at the end of this show season.

Tanner Stuchlik won a placement award in diversified agricultural production. He works on his family’s farm in cattle and crop production.

Anthony Potocnik won a placement award in diversified crop production. He works for Jirak Brothers Produce.

Payton Svitak is the forage production placement winner. She works on her family’s farm, putting up prairie hay, brome, and alfalfa. She has learned how to operate haying equipment and make repairs.

Olivia Carlson received placement awards in beef and grain production. She assists with sorting, weighing, and moving cattle. She also has learned how to operate a grain cart and read computer screens in tractors and machines.

Isabel Rziha won the poultry production entrepreneurship award. She has her own chickens and sells eggs. She also hatches chicks.

Karsen Kroupa won a vegetable production entrepreneurship award. He grows potatoes and has planted 50 pounds this year. He sells his potatoes at Jirak Brothers Produce.

Robert Spohn won a placement award in vegetable production. He works at Jirak Brothers Produce, harvesting and preparing produce for market and taking it to farmers markets.

Chapter stars included Greenhands Kaitlyn Bina and Robert Spohn. Katie received first in creed speaking in the south- central district and will compete at the state convention later this month.

Tanner Stuchlik was Centre’s star farmer, and Kyle Peterson was star in ag placement. Both qualified for state competition.

Kyle received a Pete Peterson scholarship, a memorial in honor of his grandfather. He also received his grandfather’s high school graduation ring.

The Leo Jirak Scholarship went to Quinten Bina. Leo had 12 children who attended Centre.

Kyle and Quinten received several other scholarships.

Robert Spohn received $100 for being the first in fruit sales. Allie Stuchlik received $75 for second place; and Isabel Rziha, $50 for third place.

New officers elected for the coming school year are Jenaya Plett, president; Kaitlyn Bina, vice president; Allie Stuchlik, secretary; Olivia Carlson, treasurer; Jenna Bittle, reporter; and Karsen Kroupa, sentinel.

Last modified May 18, 2022