• Last modified 1025 days ago (April 28, 2022)


Fire destroys lake trailer, damages another

An electrical malfunction is believed to be the cause of a 4:31 p.m. Monday fire that destroyed a trailer on Pine Tree Dr. at the county lake.

Marion fire chief Chris Killough said the fire tripped the electric service to the trailer.

Lake superintendent Isaac Hett indentified the owner as Rick Myer of Newton.

A trailer next door also was damaged.

“The one to the south got a little scorched, but it didn’t get inside,” Killough said.

Hett said some of the skirting was melted on the trailer owned by John Middleton of Wichita.

Firefighters from Marion, Hillsboro, and Peabody battled the blaze about two hours. No one was injured in the incident.

Last modified April 28, 2022