• Last modified 1034 days ago (April 20, 2022)


Firm hired to help find new administrator

Staff writer

Marion city council members cast a split vote Monday to hire Osenbaugh Consulting to recruit a new city administrator.

Current administrator Roger Holter’s final day will be June 30.

When council members discussed whether to hire the League of Kansas Municipalities or Osenbaugh Consulting, or do their own search, councilman Jerry Kline was the sole voice in favor of the city finding its own administrator.

Mayor David Mayfield — himself a former Marion city administrator — said he thought it would be better to hire a recruiting firm than for the city to do its own search. Mayfield was hired after the city did its own search.

Council member Zach Collett said what he liked about Osenbaugh was his firm’s approach.

“He’ll actively recruit,” Collett said.

Council members Chris Costello, Collett, and Ruth Herbel voted to hire Osenbaugh.

Mayfield and Kline opposed.

Another potential hiring was tabled.

Planning and zoning secretary Margo Yates said the planning and zoning commission wanted to hire Marvin Planning Consultants to work with the commission to develop a comprehensive plan and review zoning regulations.

Yates said commission members had met with Marvin.

Mayfield said the council needed to see a contract and have it reviewed by the city attorney.

Action was postponed until the next meeting.

Council members also voted Monday to buy Chingawassa buttons for all city employees.

Last modified April 20, 2022