Game warden heard more often these days
Staff writer
Marion County has seen a spike in scanner activity from game warden Evan Deneke as seasonal changes allow him to be less cautious about being seen — and possibly overheard.
“There are certain times of year we don’t want people knowing we’re out as much because people try to pattern us as wardens,” he said.
Deneke patrols the state enforcing wildlife, fishing and boating laws.
“I work not just Marion County, but statewide,” he said. “I move all the way into Kingman County and up to the Nebraska state line.
Our department is really big.”
Deneke has the authority to write tickets for offenses like speeding.
“We pretty much do the same law enforcement as everyone else, we just specialize in wildlife, fisheries and boating stuff,” he said.
Many people don’t know that police or sheriff’s departments can also enforce game laws, Deneke said.
“We work all the time with local law enforcement agencies,” he said.
Deneke said game wardens interact with people under mostly positive circumstances, as opposed to other law offices who are dispatched to situations that are already bad, he said.
“Eighty percent of my contacts are good contacts, compared to someone who gets dispatched and goes to a call that someone is having the worst day of their life,” he said.
Last modified Jan. 9, 2020