• Last modified 4311 days ago (April 4, 2013)


Goessel Goal Getters meet

The Goessel Goal Getters 4-H club held their annual meeting March 4 at the Goessel City Building.

Leaders explained the Purple Seal, awarded to the club for goals achieved during the previous year.

For the program, Cierra Nolte led the Pledge of Allegiance and 4-H Pledge. Chevy Gagnon led a song. Lauren Hiebert and Brooke Nafziger gave talks.

Announcements included that the Marion County Fair theme will be “Boots and Bling” this year.

Members of the Peabody Achievers 4-H club attended the meeting. Hosts were Gaddis and Hiebert families.

The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. April 1 at the Goessel City Building.

Madeline Meier, Reporter

Last modified April 4, 2013