• Last modified 1909 days ago (Nov. 27, 2019)


Heated dock will be replaced

Staff writer

A new heated fishing dock to replace one destroyed during a summer storm at the county lake took a step closer to becoming reality when the county’s insurance agreed to pay for its replacement.

Lake supervisor Isaac Hett told county commissioners Monday that Kansas County Association Multiline Pool insurance approved $177,020 to replace the fishing dock pulled loose from its moorings and rammed against the shore during a July 4 storm.

Hett got four bids to replace the dock, but commissioners asked him to send one bid back because they considered it incomplete.

Home Resorts, of Hillsboro, bid $177,020 to replace the dock.

They have not previously built a dock that has a full structure on it, Hett said.

“It’s not a steel frame dock,” Hett said. “He’s wanting to do a poly dock system. It’s like a plastic float with a walkway.”

Ben’s Boat Docks, of Kechi, bid $191,800 and has a 25-year warranty.

Mac’s Docks, of Clifton Hill, Missouri, bid $155,000 and had a 15-year warranty but the bid included neither electric and gas connections nor removal of the existing dock.

Commissioners asked Hett to contact Mac’s Docks for a rebid that does include utility connections and removal of the old dock.

County engineer Brice Goebel said he thinks his department can pull the old dock to the shore to make demolition easier.

Last modified Nov. 27, 2019