HILLSBORO: First Grade - taught by Tracy Boldt
First grade
Taught by Tracy Boldt
Dear Santa,
I’ve been very good this year. I would like Venom robot that has gel cells in its leg and Super Heros. I’ll leave you cookies and milk.
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year and was wondering since I was so good, if I can have an X-Box for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I love you, Santa!
Dear Santa,
A pet rabbit is what I want.
Dear Santa,
I want a punching bag, a big gummy bear, a Royals sign like Rod’s; an electric guitar, basketball, football, a snake, an army truck, Legos and a computer.
Dear Santa,
I would like a skateboard and a mini skateboard.
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is How to Train Your Dragon, The Hidden World. The whole kit, please, and the movie. See you on Christmas Eve.
Dear Santa,
I would like my own Christmas tree, snow, hat, gloves and an American Girls doll with extra clothes for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I have tried to be very good this year. This year for Christmas I would like a rock star belt, and more than anything, I’d really like you to take my gifts to foster homes and make the kids loving in foster homes and make the kids have a really good Christmas. Or give the soldiers in the Army a good Christmas too. If you see Uncle Levi Mendoza, tell him we miss him. He’s in North Carolina. Also, please visit sick kids in hospitals to make them happy and forget they’re sick.
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like a toy space helmet and a stuffed Jayhawk.
Dear Santa,
I love your reindeer. I also want these three presents: makeup, sparkly lipstick, and a teacher set.
Last modified Dec. 23, 2019