• Last modified 566 days ago (July 27, 2023)


Hillsboro may get 1st new house since 2017

Hillsboro may be getting its first new-home construction since 2017.

City council members agreed Monday night to sell a vacant land-bank parcel in Willow Glen subdivision to former residents Ken and Pat Funk of Dodge City .

They plan to build a home on the lot, city administrator Matt Stiles said. It will be a traditional, “stick-built” home that will fit within the neighborhood, he said. List price was $1,171.96. Council members agreed to the Funks’ offer of $900.

A hearing planned for Thursday on container homes was canceled because developers Felix Ramirez and Dustin Burke failed to meet a deadline for supplying a plan. Stiles said he had not heard from them.

Mayor Lou Thurston reviewed the city’s proposed 2024 budget, almost apologizing for it needing more tax revenue even if it would cut the tax rate by 1 mill.

Last modified July 27, 2023