• Last modified 1856 days ago (Jan. 9, 2020)


expanded eulogies

Dorothy Gilbert

Dorothy Jane Loewen Waner Gilbert was born on Oct. 4, 1930, at the Hillsboro, Kansas, hospital, the daughter of John and Susie (Arbsland) Loewen.

She died Jan. 6, at Hillsboro Community Hospital, at age 89.

Dorothy grew up north of Peabody, attending Country School No. 58. When it closed, she went to Peabody grade school and high school, graduating with the class of 1948.

She worked at the Peabody High School until her marriage to Alfred Waner in November of 1948. They lived on a farm east of Florence for 13 years, and resided in Marion for a year, then they purchased their farm and moved back to the country in 1962. Mr. Waner passed away in 1974.

In 1981, she was united in marriage to Laurence Gilbert. Mr. Gilbert passed away in 2010.

Dorothy enjoyed sewing, making almost 400 quilts. She had quilts in nearly all 48 states, several foreign countries, and one in a textile cottage in Mt. Hope, England.

She also liked country music, making two quilts for Merle Haggard and a 7,500-page scrapbook on his career. The scrapbook is in the Country Music Hall of Fame Museum and Library in Nashville.

Dorothy also shot trap and was elected to Kansas’ board of directors, serving as president of the board. She loved to garden and work outside, helping with farming and livestock.

She moved from the farm in 2015 to Salem Apartments in Hillsboro, where she resided until her passing.

There will be no formal services. Her remains will be buried in the Youngtown Cemetery next to her two husbands at a later date.

She is survived by her adopted son, Lynn (Sue) Applegate, and family; a niece and nephews; and special friends Wayne (Jane) Weber and Thad and Janie Meierhoff, who helped care for her in her later years.

Yazel-Megli-Zeiner Funeral Home in Marion is serving the family.

Please sign her online guestbook and leave a memory of Dorothy at

Last modified Jan. 9, 2020