• Last modified 616 days ago (June 1, 2023)


Legion post stays active

Staff writer

A color guard and firing squad from Gilbert-Poppe American Legion Post provided Memorial Day military honors at Pilsen and Lincolnville.

While some rural communities are losing their American Legion posts, the one at Lincolnville is very much alive and growing.

Of the 10 members who provided military honors Monday at Pilsen and Lincolnville, four are younger than 65. They are Lester Kaiser, 62; Steve Steger, 54; Charles Clemmer, 40; and newest member Jenny Walker, 46.

Other members are Leonard Meyer, 80; George Davis, 80; Bob Van DeCreek, 76; Ira Walker, 75; John Fenske, 73; and Duane Dittman, 73.

Meyer carried the American flag, and Jenny Walker carried the American Legion flag. Fenske was the commander. They gave a three-rifle salute at both cemeteries. Adam Makovec played “Taps.”

Dittman, the adjutant, said two others were interested in joining.

Last modified June 1, 2023