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Prairie View
To the editor:
I have been a Prairie View patient at Newton, on both inpatient and outpatient basis, for more than 30 years.
To my knowledge, I have not met Sheriff Jeff Soyez, nor do I have personal knowledge of the inner workings of the sheriff’s office. I have, however, had multiple interactions with the staff and physicians of Prairie View. The staff always has treated me with respect and responds whenever I have had to get in contact with them.
Imagine my surprise, then, when I read, “they tell (Sheriff Soyez) they call Prairie View for assistance and don’t hear back for weeks, if at all.”
I have no idea who “they” are, nor who “they” talked to at Prairie View. The institution and personnel that I know do not act in the way implied. Over my lifetime, I have dealt with multiple physicians, therapists, and institutions while dealing with my mental health. Prairie View has been, and continues to be, an institution I would recommend to anyone.
I am on Prairie View’s advisory board for Marion County because I support its efforts to help.
Thank you, Marion County Record, for your continuing efforts to keep our local communities informed about what is transpiring in regards to the governing of Marion County.
Lisa Blackmore, Florence