• Last modified 644 days ago (May 4, 2023)


Hospital audit

To the editor:

As a property taxpayer since the beginning of the Marion County Hospital District No. 1, I request an independent audit be done as soon as possible per Lanning Pharmacy’s request of the federal 340b drug program at St. Luke Hospital.

This audit should not be swept under the rug by the CEO and board of directors.Property taxpayers have the right to know how our tax money is being handled. Much of the time, it seems to be done in such a way as to keep the public in the dark.

I request that the Marion County Record publish a map of the Marion County Hospital District No. 1, which shows the area included in the district for property taxes and for those eligible to vote.

When the district was established, board members represented different areas included in the district, and the City of Marion was limited on the number of board members.

We cannot vote at our precinct locations and may vote only if we make a special trip to an annual meeting in May.

This is wrong. It makes it impossible for taxpayers of the entire taxing district — from the Burns area to the Centre school district area, who pay by far the majority of property taxes — a chance to vote, if they even see a notice of the election.

Barbara Tajchman
Marion County Lake

Last modified May 4, 2023