Tuesday letter
This has been a week of Hell. The article in the Marion Record last week, I had no idea that there was going to be a story. I did not get asked if all of this was the truth. The reporter was told that afternoon to run it by me before it was printed. This did not happen.
First off when I was quoted about a new pharmacy, I said that I had heard a rumor of that sort. She must have taken it out of context. There is no way that I could have known this was true. So, know people are believing this because I was on the board, and I must have had some inside information. When I heard this for the first time, over a month ago, and it came from a person who lives in the Herington area. This made me uneasy because this topic had never been discussed in a board meeting. I was told yesterday that a board member is now saying that I heard this in a board meeting, and I am telling this to other people. You cannot speak about something you have never heard.
Also I want to publicly apologize to Jeremy Ensey for making comments to what my granddaughter had posted. I should not have said that. Because there no proof to say that. I am sorry.
It is bad that we have a weekly newspaper. When something is said on
Wednesday, you have to wait a whole week to respond.
I feel so bad that everyone involved with this problem could have not sat down and communicate with each other, we would not be in this situation and fighting among each other.
I am also posting this on Facebook.
Gene Winkler, Marion
Last modified April 26, 2023