• Last modified 687 days ago (April 27, 2023)


Wednesday letter

If I am going to be quoted on the front page of the Marion County Record, please get the facts straight. When I said that Jeremy Ensey was wanting to bring his sister-in-law to either work or open a pharmacy, that was the rumor going around Marion. I did not know this to be fact.

I would also like to make a comment about what Roger Hannaford said about not being able to talk to certain people. The board is made up of seven members, That are elected by people in the St. Luke Hospital district. These people are to oversee the running of the hospital. The people at the annual meeting usually is 5 to 7 Hospital employees, the present board members, Jeremy, and who was handpicked by Jeremy, who he wants on the board. I can’t remember the last time we even had ballots.

So the new people take office in June. Then Jeremy plus the chairman of the board, tells the other members not to talk to certain people, because there might be pending litigation, between the hospital and Lannings Pharmacy. I can tell you there is not a pending litigation and never has there ever been a litigation filed against Lannings Pharmacy.

Let me ask all the businesspeople in Marion a question. The Board is elected by the people to run the Board. Jeremy is an employee of the Board, so how is the employee of the Board able to tell the Board members, you can’t talk to certain people. Would any of the businesspeople, let an employee of yours, tell you who you could or couldn’t talk to?

Let me tell you, as a taxpayer of the St. Luke Hospital District, how you can ever come to a Board Meeting and say anything, YOU CAN”T.

Here is the fact of what happened. Traci Lanning, owner of Lannings Pharmacy, Who has a contract with St. Luke Hospital with the 340b drug program, tax payer that goes to the hospital, asked our CEO, Jeremy
Ensey, about some problems she has with the 340b plan. Jeremy could not answer. So then she ask to come and talk with the Board, The CEO of the Hospital said she could not do that.

Nobody is allowed to do that. So if you are a tax payer and have questions about the Hospital, you are S.O.L. The Board is not allowed to talk to you and you are not allowed to talk to the Board, who is supposed to be running the Hospital? What a great world we live in.

Gene Winkler, Marion

Last modified April 27, 2023