• Last modified 1322 days ago (June 3, 2021)



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Advancing Marion

To the editor:

It is great to see that the many activities being undertaken by the Marion Advancement Campaign have been prominently noted in our local newspaper, even if it was in the editorial section rather than in articles.

As a member of MAC, I am proud to be a part of bringing infrastructure and services to the citizens of Marion and the surrounding areas.

The completion of the original park stage vision through the addition of a sturdy, aesthetically blending stage roof designed in collaboration with two professional engineers will expand the population who benefit from the park.

This multi-use park continues to provide a wide array of activities from fishing to playgrounds for kids to ball courts to a nature trail and now a small-event location, making it a multi-faceted jewel of the City of Marion.

Likewise, the development of the new food bank is a major advance in the ability of our local, civically minded community members to assist those with modest means.

While some would prefer that a building with such an intended use be tucked away out of sight, I believe that the planned location is not only adequate but appropriate.

Numbers on the use of the food bank show that this is not a short-term but rather a growing need of our community.

This increases the importance of ensuring this service is easily accessible by multiple modes of transport and easily found by those new to the area. A visible location can also remind those with the means that opportunity to volunteer and assist others exists.

Additionally, the replacement of the old house, a structure not well suited for many businesses, will free up a building originally designed for business use once the food bank is moved.

I am encouraged by and applaud the editor’s call to action to our citizens. There are many great ideas, including those listed in the editorial section on May 26. I would encourage all to read and consider them.

I agree it is time for citizens to take action, for those with ideas to stand up and carry those ideas past the stage of academic exercise, for leaders to demonstrate through action rather than asking others to do.

Luckily, we have an organization in place here in Marion to provide support for those ready to take action.

MAC provided the structure needed for my wife and me to work with Marion County, Cooperative Grain and Supply, Co-Bank, Land O’ Lakes, the City of Marion, and private community members to raise funds in the order of five figures for a new playground at Marion County Park and Lake.

If citizens have an idea and are ready to take action, they should bring it to MAC. While not every idea will be a fit, MAC may be the vehicle they need to make their vision a reality.

Thank you to the editor for displaying the accomplishments of our local community foundation and suggestions for future action. I look forward to assisting those who step up to carry them forward.

Matt Meyerhoff
Marion Advancement Campaign

Last modified June 3, 2021